Our new baby boy – Part Two, Travis Walker

So, here we were five days after my supposed due date, and still no baby. Just a really, really big baby bump. (and, actually, this picture was from about 2 weeks earlier, so yeah….I was so ready for baby to come)

Early Monday morning, April 30th, I woke up earlier than everyone else, went downstairs and made some tea, had a bite of pie for breakfast (it was healthy pie!) and read my devotional. An hour or so later, everyone else was starting to wake up, and I was starting to not feel so good. I went back to bed to rest, and started noticing a few contractions. But – I didn’t want to make a big deal about it, after the previous false alarms I wanted to be completely sure this was the real deal. At 8:45 am I started timing contractions, and I texted our midwife, Sheryl, that something might be starting. I timed until 9:15 am and contractions were 3 & 4 minutes apart, fairly strong. At this point Jordan texted Sheryl and said she had better come. She left her house immediately, and only lives 15 minutes away – but before she could get here, I almost felt like I could need to push. About the time Sheryl arrived, I was headed downstairs to get in a hot bath (with Elsie’s birth I was in the bath during the middle part of labor, and it was SO nice) – she told me that if I went and got in the bath now, I might just have the baby there. At that point I really didn’t care, I just wanted the relief and comfort of the water, so we all headed down to the bathroom.

Sheryl checked vitals, and everything looked good, baby was doing well. After a few moments contractions were getting stronger and more painful. Sheryl checked dilation, and said I could push baby out whenever I wanted. Around this time my water broke, and contractions were getting unbearable. Finally, with two strong contractions baby made his entrance into the world at 9:56 am. Sheryl exclaimed that he was a big baby, and he certainly felt big as he was placed in my arms. Jordan told everyone his name-

 Travis Walker.

After the kids got a look at their new sibling, we headed upstairs and got comfortable on the bed. Travis got to eat a bit, and everyone started to get turns holding him.

Then it was time for him to be checked, measured, weighed, etc. I knew he was bigger than my previous babies, but when the scale said 10.lbs 7 oz, I was shocked!! Also just so thankful for God’s care of us – such a big baby and no tearing or difficulties with birth seemed like a miracle to me.

Happy rest of the day getting to know our big boy and lots of snacks for mama. (having a baby makes me so hungry, lol!)

Daddy time. Also – Travis looks EXACTLY like Jordan.

He’s such a happy boy – he started smiling the very first day, and hasn’t stopped since! I’ve never seen such a smiley baby!

Alan was absolutely thrilled to have a brother. Long before we were ever pregnant with Travis, Alan had been asking God frequently at supper time prayers to please send him a little brother. His exact phrase was “Please, bring baby boy back”. So sweet. These two little men will have so many adventures together!

So – here we are now a family of six! I can’t imagine existing now without knowing our sweet Travis man. So thankful God decided we needed him in our lives. My heart just about bursts every time I look at him. So far he has the sweetest, happiest personality, and will smile and coo endlessly as long as anyone will talk or sing to him – he loves his people, and we love him!


6 thoughts on “Our new baby boy – Part Two, Travis Walker”

  1. Love all the photos with his siblings–so sweet! Congratulations to you and your family! Always encouraging to hear a beautiful birth story!

  2. So glad to see a post! It sounds like such a nice labor even if it was a little delayed. Hope you are all enjoying the new addition 😗

  3. What a beautiful story! Congratulations! He is adorable and so hale and healthy! What does his name mean? It is so strong and manly!

  4. Oh I loved reading all of this and the beautiful pictures. “Please bring baby boy back” – so precious :) Thank you so much for sharing this all, what a sweet family ~ Just beautiful. God’s blessings to you all.

  5. Love this! Fourth babies are stubborn! With ours I went into labor at 38 week was admitted to the hospital dilated to a 6 and then Everything stopped and we went to 40 weeks 1 day. Delayed labor can be so discouraging. So glad everything turned out beautifully for you and your family.

  6. Absolutely loved reading your part one and part two of Travis’s birth story. Wow. Love homebirth and love your depiction of those weeks of waiting, intensity of labor and joyous welcome of your baby boy! Your pictures are beautiful. 💕

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