Our new baby boy – Part One, Waiting

Such a belated post on the birth of our sweet, sweet man, Travis! (he is currently 3 months old) However, better late than never, yes? So, come along and we will look back to the spring to tell the story of his long-awaited birth….

To me a big part of the birth story was the waiting – I felt like we were waiting so long to meet our new baby! I was feeling so big and awkward, and so tired, that each day was a struggle just making it to bedtime – most days I would have to collapse periodically for rests on the couch. Definitely my most difficult pregnancy so far.

I was convinced the baby was going to come early – from 7 months onward I had just been feeling so, so done. The ladies of our church gave us a lovely baby shower, and I was able to have all of my baby preparations done and ready about a month before my due date. (first time I have ever felt prepared in that way for a baby’s arrival – I’m usually caught off guard it seems!) Diapers and baby clothes were folded and waiting – baby blankets washed and handy, mattress cover and sheets ready for the birth – even a new crib fitted out. I was even afraid baby would come before my Mom arrived from Texas.

This baby had been by far the most active of all my pregnancies – every evening when I sat down it looked like there was a boxing match going on inside me – so much crazy kicking and moving! I had also been measuring larger this pregnancy than with the previous three, and I definitely felt the stretch and discomfort more.

The kids were each so anxious to meet their new sibling – tucking them in at night we would ask each other – “Will it be a boy or girl???!!”

About two weeks before my due date – Mom, Stockton, and Carolina arrived from Texas. It was such a relief to have them there. With all the full time help I was able to rest and take naps frequently – which was just amazing. Spring was just starting to get in full swing which means there was lots to keep us busy while we waiting for baby.

The garden, with salad greens and garlic.

The woods slowly coming into bloom….

Everyone helped with the garden – starting seeds, laying down new mulch, and planting starts.

Lots of good help! – I was anxious to get everything done possible before baby arrived.

Elsie – such a baby girl still. She has no idea that a new kid is about to arrive and turn her world upside down!

So big, and so ready for baby to come!

Grammie, and Uncle Stockton and Aunt Carolina kept the kids busy doing all sorts of things –

Like playing Robin Hood and Maid Marian, and making a big batch of salt dough for hours of fun…

Every day for two weeks we thought it would be ‘the day’ – we even had a couple of times where it was a false alarm and we were counting contractions. Two days after what I thought was my due date, contractions were strong enough we called the midwife and friends over, because we thought it was time….but nope. Everything stopped and we had more days of quiet waiting first….. (part two next)


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