Two Blue Dresses

I’ve been doing a bit more dress sewing lately. Mostly it’s been dresses for Marian, but I did actually finish one for myself (it’s only been in progress since last summer….sigh.) This is another experimental pattern in my ongoing study of house dresses adapted for modern use. (see the last one here)

This pattern is an authentic 1860’s bodice pattern, but instead of fitting it snugly over a corset as I normally would, I adapted it to fit more loosely to accommodate early pregnancy and post pregnancy bumps. 1860s bodices are well suited for this as they sit ever so slightly higher than the natural waistline. The buttons down the front also make the dress nursing friendly. At my current time of life I want to make all these things a consideration, because anything I make and like, I definitely want to be able to wear as frequently as possible! I’ve been so frustrated with much of my pre-marriage wardrobe being useless since pregnancy and nursing have happened, I certainly don’t want my handmade things to hang in the closet unused!

Since this was an experiment I used some scrap fabric I had – a piece of blue and white check fabric – and I actually didn’t have enough so I had to use another small scrap of similar blue and white check (you can see the subtle color difference) for the wide hem and the binding on the neck and sleeves. I also added a bit of lace to the hem to ease the visual transition. The dress has a ‘low lining’ (another handy technique learned from the super smart 19th century seamstresses) which means the lining has a lower neckline than the dress. You can see the faint line of the lining in the above picture. This means there is less fabric around the neck and shoulders, thus making the dress quite a bit more cool and breathable for warm weather. The skirt is a simple rectangular gathered skirt, quite full, but not nearly as full as a true 1860s skirt would be, and shorter.

I really love wearing this dress! It’s very comfortable for all sorts of housework, and it’s perfect for aprons! Marian’s dresses lately have been all upcycled thrifted pieces. Mostly men’s shirts turned into button front dresses. The one she is wearing in these pictures was an xlarge men’s shirt which appeared to be brand new in a beautiful indigo linen! She always checks to make sure her dresses go ’round and round’, and this one seems to pass the test. I hope to do a post soon showing more of her upcycled shirt dresses.

I ran out of the blue linen shirt material just short of finishing the neckline, so it’s finished with a tiny piece of my left over blue check dress fabric. Which doesn’t bother her – she loves for us to ‘match’!

I have so many more ideas about practical everyday house dress that I want to experiment with – modern smock patterns to 1940s reproductions, and more Victorian inspired ones…. but it is very slow progress right now. Alan is walking now, and in the process of potty training so I spend most of my time chasing kids instead of sewing….which is as it should be!

Scenes of Spring

wpid-20160318_080026.jpgI thought about naming this post “Eggs, eggs, and more eggs”. But I didn’t. It would have been appropriate, though – as you shall see shortly.

When we returned from our 3-week Texas trip that ended with brother #2 getting married, (yay!) we were glad to see that spring hadn’t sprung yet on the homestead. We didn’t want to miss any of it! Over the past few weeks it has been creeping in bit by bit, and we’ve been soaking in every drop.

One of the first things we found out when we returned, were that our chickens were laying – a lot.

wpid-20160317_084625.jpgMarian has been so excited about gathering eggs! In fact, we do it at least twice a day. Both kids will get in the stroller and I will push them around to the various nests we have discovered to see if there are any new-laid additions. We also have one ‘mommy chicken’ as Marian calls her, who is sitting on about 20 eggs. So, we shall see if any of them hatch in the next couple of weeks….


In the meantime, I’ve been trying to use a lot of eggs in cooking, which thankfully isn’t hard to do.


This is a blueberry clafoutis. It’s basically a cross between a cake and a custard, and its easy and scrumptious.   Get the recipe here.

Here’s Marian and Alan heading off with Dad on a little errand to a neighbor’s house. They love getting their ‘Daddy-time’.

wpid-20160318_091745.jpgThe day after we got back, Jordan plowed us up a garden spot. Since then we have been working on covering it with flattened cardboard boxes and a thick layer of wood chips. I’m really excited to try the mulch gardening method! I have a few seeds started in jars. Before I can transplant, we are going to have to come up with some kind of fencing for the garden, as the chickens are relentless foragers. Which is good…just not for a garden.


Picking dandelion greens early one morning. These were sauteed with bacon for breakfast. So delicious!

wpid-20160322_145001.jpgA breezy day just perfect for freshening up some bedding!


Marian gathering eggs very carefully. She has broken a couple, but she is learning quickly that you have to be gentle.


If you want to try a crazy good pie crust recipe that is incredibly rich – do try this one. It includes eggs of course. (though I left out the sugar, and didn’t use quite so much butter)

These two pies were egg/sausage/kale/gouda, and blueberry.


The woods. I love searching for my beloved little violets.


So, there you have it, that’s what our spring looks like so far. I’ll end with a picture of…you guessed it! Fresh eggs.

Reading again.


I’m reading again.

I can’t believe I ever stopped, but I did. I hardly read anything (maybe completed one book on my own, and read one out loud to Jordan?) in the first two and  a half years of marriage. That’s sad.

Before I got married I used to read so many books I would run out of ‘new’ things to read at home. (and we had a lot of books in our house!)

Then, after the wedding all my books were packed up and things were busy, especially after one then two babies arrived. I obviously just ‘didn’t have time for reading’.

Well, when all my books were finally unpacked and properly shelved this summer, I definitely had the urge to read again. I even started a book, but wasn’t able to fit much in because I still just had ‘no time’.


It took a bit of inspiration to really get me going again. That came in the form of some delightful podcasts on the subject of reading aloud. I got very enthused about finding quality children’s books and reading to Marian and Alan more. In the process I just got excited about books in general, and wished I had time to read several titles that were in the back of my mind.

Some where along the way a few things changed –

I decided that reading is important. It wasn’t just a fun, frivolous hobby I used to do back when I had ‘time’. It is important for me to keep growing my mind – not only for my own good, but for the good of my kids. How can I expect to teach them and fill them up with knowledge and new thoughts if I am never filling up myself?

Instagram and Pinterest, while both are a great source of inspiration to me, they do not really feed me in the way that good solid books do. I realize more and more I can’t rely on a few minutes online here and there to give me the nourishment my mind needs to parent well and grow. (inspiration won’t get me anywhere without nourishment to back it up!) I can’t even describe the difference of my mood and overall feeling since I’ve started seriously, intentionally, reading again. I’ve just felt so much lighter and happier, with a much broader range of good thoughts to ponder about as I’m busy with my daily chores.

I’ve completed six titles since the first of the year, and I’m quite happy with that!

Here are a few of the books I have been enjoying lately:

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

Bones of Contention by Marvin L. Lubenow

The Invisible Woman – When Only God Sees

The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaffer

For Women Only by Shaunti Fieldhann (a re-read)

Wild at Heart by John Eldridge

The Genesis Record by Henry Morris

Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie

As you can see there is not a single title of fiction on my list – this is not intentional because I love a good novel. My problem is I own and have read so many wonderful fiction books in the past, that I’m starting to ‘run out’ of my current knowledge of good titles. (I don’t like really any modern ‘chic-lit’ novels because they are just too shallow) So, if you have any good, solid recommendations in that area, please share!

wpid-20160209_105903-1.jpgI have also started a ‘book journal’ again. I kept a running list throughout my teenage years of all the books I read, and it was a lot of fun to see how many books you did or didn’t read in a given year, and what type of books shaped the year. This time the list has it’s own little book, and I have space to also jot a few notes about my thoughts after reading the book while it’s still fresh in my mind.

What are your reading habits?

Winter so far…

Winshaw in winter.

It’s been gloomy, wet, and most of the time warmer than normal this season.

Every time it is warm enough we do try to get the kids outside. This time we had a long walk through the woods, and it was just too much for Alan.

The long evenings of winter call for lots of lamplight…

…and lots of baby snuggles.

We’ve been staying busy with our internet business – here we are, me, the kids, and the chickens all taking a load of packages to the mail box.

As always, squeezing sewing in a bit at a time where needed. It really is lovely to have a sewing room where my in progress items can just be ‘paused’ and undisturbed in between sewing sessions.

This winter has seen several bouts of sickness for all of us. I wonder how many cups of hot tea we have had so far?

Marian is thrilled whenever she gets the chance to accompany Jordan to check his trap line in the mornings.

(the chickens always follow a little ways to make sure they are not missing a feed)

Silly pictures with Mom….

Marian has become quite the tea drinker. She kept wanting drinks of my chai tea, but since I didn’t want her to have the caffeine, her new favorite has become her “own, own” mix of chamomile, milk, and honey.

Winter baby naps are the snuggliest.

Lots of laundry goes on the line whenever I get weather that is dry enough, which never seems to be often enough to stay caught up!

But at least I have the two cutest helpers.

Marian wants to do everything I do. I tried to sneak in some water-coloring in one day while she and Alan were playing happily – but it didn’t work. Marian was soon in my lap ‘learning’ to paint, and thoroughly enjoying it.

Both of the kids love their ‘Daddy time’.

It’s not always warm enough in the downstairs overnight to raise bread, but when it is I try to have some going.

Love that soft winter light.

Guess who is almost a year old? I can’t believe I don’t have a baby anymore… Alan is getting to be such his own little man, with such a vibrant, driven personality. His favorite thing already is being involved in anything ‘real’ – as in anything but baby toys. He especially loves getting to go outside and do ‘work’ with Da-da, make tractor noises, and hold any sort of ‘tool’.

We have had a very quiet winter so far, not going from home very often. I feel like I can never get enough time with my two little darlings – they almost sometimes feel like little strangers because they are changing so fast, and always surprising me.



Merry Christmas! It’s almost here! Marian is very excited. I am only slightly less so. I’ve been having lots of fun making up some simple decorations for our home mostly with items that we either gathered from the woods, or already had on hand.

wpid-20151205_164558.jpgWe found the absolutely perfectly shaped, fluffy little cedar tree. I really wanted a little tree for our first tree. (this is our first Christmas at home together!) This one was exactly what I had in mind!

The one thing we did buy was a string of starry lights. I love these so much, they are very tiny and bright and strung on almost invisible copper wire. I love that they just disappear into the tree in the daytime! We got the solar powered option, but there are also battery powered options. In the picture above Jordan and Marian are wrapping the tree in lights. She was so happy we were getting a Christmas tree!

All decorated and glowing!

I used one of my antique 6 gallon crocks for the base. Jordan filled it with rocks and water, and it worked beautifully!

Our tree is decorated with pine cones, candy-canes, strung popcorn, and two types of homemade woods ornaments.  The gold ‘stars’ are sweet gum balls that drop from the trees in the fall. The silver balls are Sycamore seeds that we found on some low branches. Each of these we gathered and spray painted, then glued red, green, and gold ribbons to each one! I love how they turned out.

I’m hoping to keep most of our ornaments homemade and also new made every year. Most of these ‘nature’ ornaments just aren’t going to last season to season, so I was thinking it would be a fun tradition to have with the kids that we would actually make our ornaments before decorating the tree every year.


Two windows in the sitting room got decorated with extra greenery and pine cones.

wpid-20151214_173902.jpgEnjoying the cozy lights with a mug of something hot to drink. We’ve been drinking lots of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate lately…

wpid-2015-12-23-15.03.27.jpg.jpegThe second stocking down is my stocking – the one I’ve been using for Christmas all my life. My Granny made it from an old quilt and added buttons and notions. I thought it would be fun to continue the quilt theme, so I added three more stockings for our family also made from vintage ‘cutter’ quilts I had in my stash.

wpid-2015-12-23-15.02.23.jpg.jpegwpid-20151223_115600.jpgI made a wreath for our door with cedar and pine branches, dotted with a few pine cones here and there.


I still have Christmas baking to do, and we still haven’t made our Gingerbread house. Will it happen? I don’t know. But Christmas is coming anyway!

Last week we breathed a sight of relief as we shipped the last of our Christmas bed orders out. We also made a fun trip into Nashville to do some last minute shopping, then we drove around some well-to-do neighborhoods and ooohed over the Christmas lights (and the houses). And ate pizza. It was sad because both kids fell asleep before we were looking at lights….but Jordan and I had fun!

I have been planning little gifts for Marian and Alan for months. I am so excited for Christmas morning!

Missing my family in Texas this year – but it’s also been fun to start a few of our own traditions. It will be fun to see how they develop as our kids get older. What are some of your families favorite traditions? I’d love to hear!

wpid-20151210_170342.jpgA very Merry Christmas to you from Winshaw!


One of our favorite things to do together since we got married is something we call ‘backroading’. Which basically means purposely getting lost on the farthest-back back roads we can find, and putting lots of miles on our pick-up.

On a recent Sunday we were staying home from church because we were all still recovering from a bad case of sniffles. But we were so ready to get out of the house (had been sick for two weeks!) that we decided to take that day and go backroading. We hadn’t done that since the summer, so it was high time! I packed a lunch to take in the car, and we were off!

One of our main purposes for backroading is to look for old houses. We just love coming up on a 19th century homestead and imagining what is used to look like in its glory days. It’s so sad to see these beautiful old houses abandoned and falling down.

This particular backroading trip took us into Kentucky,and we got to see some beautiful country! One of our biggest dreams is to have land of our own someday, so seeing fertile vistas really sparks our ‘someday’ conversations.

Jordan has trained me to be on the lookout for anything made of log. This log barn hidden in the woods was a neat find. Many times the old houses we see are also likely to be log underneath the painted siding.

Love seeing big barns! We can’t wait to build a barn of our own.

A general store in an abandoned downtown. (occasionally the roads to lead us into towns, but we leave as quick as we can!)

An old broken dam at a mill site over a big creek…

Sometimes if we are lucky, we catch glimpses of 19th century mansions that have been restored and are being lived in – it doesn’t take much imagination then to see what a grand place it must have been back in the day!

You really never know what is around the next bend in the road!

We ended our day with a beautiful sunset as we crossed the state line back into Tennessee, headed home.

Dutch Oven Bread

I believe this is a fairly well-known recipe, and you can find it many places in cyberspace. However, I wanted to repost it because just in case you haven’t heard of it – you NEED this bread in your life.

I make this bread because I don’t have time to make bread. It’s seriously so easy and takes almost no time. And I just love the texture – it’s chewy and soft, and not at all crumbly. You can even slice it thin for sandwiches and it stays together perfectly. Eventually I want to learn all about sourdough bread, because I have definitely not figured it out yet. But until then, I am so glad to have this recipe.

During one winter when I was growing up we had a non-working oven in the kitchen. Mom started making this bread on the back porch in a dutch oven placed in a washtub with live coals from the heating wood stove. So, I have fond memories of enjoying this delicious bread. It’s also great to accompany soup.

Do let me know if you try it!

No-Knead Dutch Oven Bread Recipe

1/4 tsp active dry yeast
1 1/2 cups warm water
3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting. You may use white, whole wheat or a combination of the two.
1 1/2 tsp salt
Cornmeal or wheat bran for dusting


1. In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in water. Add the flour and salt, stirring until blended. The dough will be shaggy and sticky. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let the dough rest at least 8 hours, preferably 12 to 18, at warm room temperature, about 70 degrees.

2. The dough is ready when its surface is dotted with bubbles. Lightly flour a work surface and place dough on it. Sprinkle it with a little more flour and fold it over on itself once or twice. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let it rest for about 15 minutes.

3. Using just enough flour to keep the dough from sticking to the work surface or to your fingers, gently shape it into a ball. Generously coat a clean dish towel with flour, wheat bran or cornmeal. Put the seam side of the dough down on the towel and dust with more flour, bran or cornmeal. Cover with another towel and let rise for about 1 to 2 hours. When it’s ready, the dough will have doubled in size and will not readily spring back when poked with a finger.

4. At least 20 minutes before the dough is ready, heat oven to 475 degrees. Put a 6- to 8-quart heavy covered pot (cast iron, enamel, Pyrex or ceramic) in the oven as it heats. When the dough is ready, carefully remove the pot from the oven and lift off the lid. Slide your hand under the towel and turn the dough over into the pot, seam side up. The dough will lose its shape a bit in the process, but that’s OK. Give the pan a firm shake or two to help distribute the dough evenly, but don’t worry if it’s not perfect; it will straighten out as it bakes.

5. Cover and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the lid and bake another 15 to 20 minutes, until the loaf is beautifully browned. Remove the bread from the Dutch oven and let it cool on a rack for at least 1 hour before slicing.

Yield: One 1 1/2-pound loaf.

Adapted from The New York Times. Online recipe source here.

(Atlanta’s note – rising the bread in between towels was too messy for me, so I just do my second rising in the same bowl covered with a towel)

House Tour

Hello friends! It’s high time for another house update and current tour. We’ve made some progress on the house over the summer and fall – the most recent big change is walls upstairs! We have also added some furniture and small items since the last house tour in 2014 which you can see here.

But, first things first.

If you were to come in our front door, you would enter into the sitting room –

On the other side of our big open downstairs is the kitchen –

When we add a few more features to the house – such as the summer kitchen, pantry, and have a bigger woodstove – things will be arranged very differently in the kitchen. But for now, what we have works.

Because our current cookstove isn’t big enough to heat the house in the winter, we have this barrel stove attached. Eventually it will be moved to Jordan’s shop.

Now, continuing to the back room from the kitchen, you will pass my freezer and temporary pantry area. (messy, overflowing ragbag and all…) but hey. At least we have plenty of preserves to last until next blackberry season!

keep going through the next doorway, and you are in the bathroom. We don’t have running water here yet, but will someday.

Our clawfoot tub which will one day be painted, and our composting toilet system.

Lets take a quick peek at the front porch, then then we will head upstairs…

once you are up the stairs…you are now greeted with another flight of stairs! These lead to the attic, our third story.

Little peep into the attic – which is just storage right now. When it is finished out it will be bedrooms for the kids.

Back to the 2nd story – turn left into our bedroom.

Walls are coming together! It’s so exciting to be able to feel the size of the rooms now! This is a closeup of my closet area. Jordan was able to frame in lots of extra storage space, much more than I was counting on! yay! (please tell me I’m not the only wife who gets excited about closets….)

Bonus picture – Marian was napping in her crib while I snuck around taking these pictures…

Now, through the doorway into my sewing room…which may or may not be my favorite room in the house.

Fabric, research books, iron, patterns and notions all within reach. Heaven.

The last room of the 2nd story is the guest room:

We did finally find a matching window for the hole in this room. When we get that put in I will begin making this into Marian’s room. Right now it’s mostly a staging area for various projects of mine – here it was being used as a place to organize my purchase of a huge lot of vintage hats for resale.

From the sewing room you can step out on the top porch…

…which has a beautiful view!


That’s our home as of now.

Remembering World War II 2015


The last weekend in September we stepped back in time to the 1940s for a day.


We attended ‘Remembering WWII‘ which took place in Linden, TN. The entire historic downtown area was dressed up 1940s style – buildings and people!

There were military reenactors, battles, lots of military and civilian vintage vehicles, a live big band, and many wonderful veterans speaking.


We tried to represent a 1940s farm family. (I don’t know if the stroller fit in with our impression…I didn’t research that part)


We got a surprise and at the last minute our friends Jesse, Alice and Gavin got to come stay with us for the weekend! We were so glad they did. Visit their lovely blog here.


As Marian’s dress from last year was of course too small – I had to make her a new one. It was a delightful project! The fabric is a candy pink rayon print from my stash. The pattern I was using was actually a 1950s pattern, but after studying quite a few 1940s pattern diagrams online, I was able to make the appropriate changes, and even added a few new design elements. Really happy with the way it turned out! Her shoes are vintage – a yard sale find gift from my Mom!


My dress was made new for the event (finished the day before as usual…oh dear). It is a yellow rayon print also from my fabric stash. The skirt actually came from an old dress I made years ago using 1940s patterns. I had long ago cut up the old dress because I wasn’t happy with it and it has been in pieces since. Yay for making it wearable again! My hat is vintage 1940s, purse & gloves vintage also.


Jordan decided to do a civilian impression this year. If you follow him on Instagram (@axe_and_anvil) you know that he has been working on restoring his circa 1941 Farmall A tractor. He really wanted to have it done for the event, but there just wasn’t enough time. His overalls are vintage style ‘Key’ brand, worn with a vintage Fedora he found on eBay.

wpid-20150926_124124.jpgThere were lots of fun snapshots like this to be seen of soldiers and civilians all over town. However, I purposely didn’t take tons of event pictures, as there were many professional photographers there whose work will be posted to Remembering WWII ‘s website at some point. :) I knew they would capture it much better than I could.

wpid-2015-10-17-11.24.54.jpg.jpegThe battle was quite loud, so Jordan was covering Alan’s ears – who apparently decided he might as well have a nap.

wpid-20150926_104700.jpgThe whole down town was transformed into the year 1942. All the store front windows were displaying vintage items and/or posing as period correct stores – like the adorable toy store window above (featuring a retro style doll bed from Dream Come True), and a window from ‘Michelle’s of Paris’ dress shop below. The wedding dress is actually a loaned vintage 1941 dress from my collection. (I bought it at an estate sale years ago)


Those faces!


I had much too much fun pushing the stroller around town! I knew I wanted to have a vintage stroller (baby buggy? pram?…not sure what the correct term would be) So I had been searching the local craigslist for a while. Found this one for $60, but it needed quite a bit of work to get it in working order and looking presentable. My handy husband did a wonderful job with it – it was very smooth and easy to push, and it made the day SO much easier than having to carry our two big kids!

wpid-2015-10-16-22.03.28.jpg.jpegEven though the kids were tuckered out by the end of the day – we all had a wonderful time!

We have chickens!

Well. We did it.

We promised ourselves over and over that we wouldn’t get any farm animals until we were completely set up and ready for them. But…a few weeks ago a deal on a flock of 30 young laying hens came up unexpectedly that was just too good to pass up. So, we picked up the chickens but didn’t have a house or pen for them yet.

For now they are spending the nights in our stock trailer, while Jordan works on completing their permanent house.

Marian is absolutely thrilled to have chickens. Her big fun in life now is letting the chickens out in the morning, feeding them and collecting scraps for them, and locking them up in the evening and telling them ‘night -night’. Whenever we hear a chicken clucking outside or the rooster crowing, she has to repeat the noise with great enthusiasm!

We got two breeds of chickens – Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons, and a couple that are a mix thereof. I really like both of these breeds so I’m happy about that!

We’ve had quite a time hunting eggs, sometimes we have found big nests, or a few here and there, but overall the chickens are being very sneaky. When we have their house completed we are hoping they will lay there so we won’t have to hunt so much!

Jordan began on the chicken house as soon as we knew we were getting the chickens. Here he is digging holes for the posts.

Marian is quite fascinated with the whole process. We went out and watched the progress whenever possible.

Some sweet moments with my babies.

My heart is melting….

Ok – back to chicken house progress. Here are the posts in the ground, with a birds-eye view from our upstairs porch of the layout.

Floor joists in.

Jordan had a lot of bed orders to catch up on at this point, so one day he hired a friend from down the road to keep working on the framing.

Jordan finishing up the roof.

The lap siding begun. Oh – also, I forgot to mention that Jordan also had to fell trees and saw out the lumber fresh for the chicken house, as we were out of wood. (don’t I have a handy husband? I’m not a bit proud of him or anything…:)

More siding on. I got to help with this part as Jordan needed another pair of hands to hold the end of the boards steady while the other end was nailed.

Looking good!


Marian enjoyed exploring the new structure!

The flooring going in…

Marian loves the chicken door!

I think its looking so good! I can’t wait to see it finished.

The chickens are happily awaiting their new home – pecking and ranging all over the pastures around our house.

One happy girl!

 Marian likes to spend time with the flock, just watching them and trying to get a chance to pet one. This picture of her and her baby doll sitting with the chickens cracks me up.

Hope to be back for an update soon with pictures of our newly finished chicken house!